by Arik Solomon, August 07, 2024

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Implementing a robust Cyber Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) program can be challenging. As a CISO or GRC Manager, you know that understanding these seven common cyber GRC challenges and addressing them is crucial for success. Here are practical solutions to help you overcome these obstacles effectively.

1. Gaining Organizational Buy-In

Competing priorities and limited executive bandwidth can make it hard to gain critical organizational buy-in. But without alignment up, down and across the company, it can be very hard to create a successful Cyber GRC program. Communicate the value of Cyber GRC to senior leadership by highlighting the risks and financial impacts of cyber incidents. Present the Cyber GRC program as a strategic initiative that supports the organization’s goals, and tie it to the specific goals for the executives and departments whose support you need. Clear communication helps leadership understand its importance.

2. Optimizing Resource Allocation

Resource constraints are common cyber GRC challenges. Prioritize activities based on risk assessments to ensure critical areas get the necessary resources. Use automation and technology to streamline processes and reduce manual effort. Strategic planning helps allocate resources effectively, and once you accumulate some early wins, you can share the results when asking for additional resources.

3. Staying Proactive with Regulatory Compliance

Navigating regulations is one of the toughest cyber GRC challenges. Establish a team or role dedicated to monitoring regulatory changes and ensuring compliance. Use technology solutions that provide real-time updates and automate compliance reporting. Staying proactive and organized simplifies compliance efforts.

4. Planning Around Integration Issues

Integration issues are frequent cyber GRC challenges. When designing your program, consider how it will fit with existing systems. Choose flexible and scalable solutions that can adapt to your infrastructure. Involve IT and other departments early to identify potential issues. Early planning prevents future complications.

5. Centralizing Data Management and Reporting

Managing data is one of the ongoing cyber GRC challenges. Develop a data management strategy that includes collection, storage, analysis, and reporting. Use centralized platforms to consolidate data from various sources and employ analytics for insights. This approach enhances reporting and decision-making.

6. Avoiding a last-minute scramble to pass the audit

Many organizations find themselves rushing to get mountains of evidence and revise updated procedures with the auditor’s visit looming just weeks away.
Don’t wait until the external audit date approaches. Consider a CCM (Continuous Control Monitoring) approach where you verify your controls automatically, year-round. Automation lowers the effort significantly and you have more time to tweak and optimize it. Then, when it’s time to work with the auditor, you are already prepared.

7. Ensuring Continuous Improvement

Maintaining continuous improvement is vital to overcome cyber GRC challenges. Regularly review and update your program. Conduct audits and assessments to identify areas for enhancement. Stay informed about emerging threats and best practices. Regular updates ensure your program evolves with new challenges.


Overcoming cyber GRC challenges requires proactive strategies and planning. By addressing these common issues and applying the solutions outlined, organizations can build effective Cyber GRC programs that support their objectives and protect against threats.

Read more tips about how to build a robust Cyber GRC program with our new eBook.